There are several major religions in Cerrix, and several minor ones as well. The major religions are as follows:

Erringhemic Religions

A collection of several religions that all share a few commonalities. Each Erringhemic religion shares many commonalities, but also have vast differences. Commonalities include: a monotheistic belief in only one God, the importance of pray, charity, and pilgrimage, and much of their mythologies.

All of them also share the name of a woman, Erringhem, who appears at or near the start of their creation myths. Although different from each religion, Erringhem appears in all of them, thus this group of religions are collectively known as Erringhemic religions.

Erringhemic religions are the most wide-spread religion in all of Cerrix, with most of it’s worship happening on Enolin.

Erringhemic Worship in Depth


Yggdrasalian is a worship and understanding that there exists a variety of gods, each with their own purpose and life. Yggdrasalian worship is rare outside of the various peoples of the north, and is considered to be a pagan religion.

This religion may have some organization in individual areas, but is largely left to individuals to worship as they will.

The Yggdrasalian gods include Odin, Thor, and Freya, as well as a great number of others. Yggdrasalian worship is most prominent in Aslund, although there are pockets in Deinland still worships these gods.

Eusebeian\Threskeian Worship

Like Yggdraslian, this religion is seen as as a pagan worship. Both Eusebeian and Threkeian worship are similar to Yggdraslian, where they worship many gods, however this religion was much more organized.

These religions had strict worship and large temples, but is falling out of favor with the prevalence of Erringhemic religions. Still, there are some bastions of both religions in the world.

Some of the gods include (Eusebeian\Threskeian) Zeus\Jupiter, Hera\Juno, and Athena\Minvera. Some of these gods bear striking resemblance to Yggdraslian gods.

Eusebeian worship mostly is in Oraktos.

Threskeian worship mostly is in Vigorio.

Dharmaharic Philosophies

Although technically a religion, the Dharmaharic philosophies all use a similar, if not the same, collection of philosophical teachings and traditions as means to guide life. Several Dharmaharic philosophies exist, and vary slightly on aspects of worship, doctrine, practice, and subtlety, philosophy.

One commonality between the Dharmaharic philosophies is that despite technically being a religion, they don’t consider themselves as such. They often allow worshipers of other religions into their ranks, so long as the core philosophies are practiced.

Often considered almost secondary to the philosophies, many Dharmaharic philosophies have their own gods. Many Dharmaharic philosophies have ties to Erringhemic worship.