The most prevalent, and wide-spread religion is actually made up of multiple religions that all have incredibly close views, but are ever so slightly different, and those differences start with how they view their namesake: Erringhem.
However, all of the religions have very similar other beliefs. They all believe in one supreme deity, who they call the “Supreme God”. This Supreme God is often referred to in Common as “The One”, “The Supreme”, “The Divine”, or “The True God”, although each Erringhemic religion also has a specific name for him.
There are three major Erringhemic religions: Al’umu, Me’ahev, and Kuomorta.
The Al’umu religion sees Erringhem as the Mother of the supreme deity. In their creation myth, there was once nothing, and Erringhem sprang into being from nothing. Being from nothing, she could not create, and thus she gave birth to the one true god, Iilhi (Ill-eh-he).
The holy book is called the Gospel of Iilhi, sometimes just called “The Gospel”.
The Me’ahev religion sees Erringhem as the Lover of the supreme deity. In their creation myth, the The Supreme God, Elion (El-ee-an), has always existed. His first creation was that of a partner, who he named Erringhem. She was created to bear his imperfect children, which resulted in humans.
The holy book is called the Ur-Torim.
The Kuomorta religion sees Erringhem as the first, and most faithful prophet. In their creation myth, the one true god, Alahya (Ah-lah-he-ya), has always been, and it was Erringhem who discovered his divine grace and began his teachings for a better life.
The holy book is called the Evangelium.
Below is a list of some commonalities between the Three main Erringhemic religions.
All three religions consider the city of Zion-Shem to be the holiest city. Zion-Shem is located in Mahashad.
All three religions have holy books which contain much of their creation myths, sacred teachings, word of the Supreme being, and revelations to their people. Much of these holy books are so similar to each other, with very few differences. Most differences concern the names of various entities that reoccur throughout each text. However, the creation myth and how Erringhem came into play is the largest difference between the three.